First Normal School Graduation Held in 1900
First Graduating Class of San Diego Normal School, June 21, 1900
Reprinted from the Union-Tribune, June 21, 2022
On June 21, 1900, the San Diego Normal School in University Heights (now San Diego State University) held its first commencement ceremonies. Twenty-six students graduated including 23 women and 3 men: Margaret Ball, Melissa Lee Bass, Anna Clark, Fred A. Crosby, Maud Anna Cuff, Julia Flinn, Katherine E. Greene, Elsie Gregg, Martha Hale, Caroline Hayes, Kate E. Irwin, Nellie Casandra Kidwell, Ida Margaret Ladd, Edith Carr Philips, Edna May Skinner, Eleanor Louise Stanton, Roxana Huntington Stevens, Mary Helen Webster, Hallie M. Williams, Minnie Todd Willis, Grace Amelia Baker, Miriam S. Faddis, Clara Emele Maxfield, Sophie E. Shaw, William M. Warren and Robert H. Neely.
The purpose of the state Normal School, established on March 13, 1897, was to educate elementary school teachers. At first the school occupied rented rooms in downtown San Diego. but moved to a new campus on Normal Street in University Heights by 1900. It occupied that site for 33 years before moving to Montezuma Mesa in 1931 and becoming San Diego State University.
Reprinted from The Evening Tribune, Friday, June 22, 1900:
The assembly room of the San Diego State Normal school was crowded to its utmost capacity last night when the first annual commencement exercises of the school were held.
The front of the stage was draped with ivy and smilax and a profusion of flowers added much to the scenic effect. All decorations were in sympathy with the school colors of white and gold. The faculty occupied seats on the stage and the students sat in a body to the right.
The Pilgrim's chorus by the school opened the program and this was followed by an impressive invocation by Rev. W.B. Hinson of the First Baptist church. President Black then introduced Superintendent James A. Foshay of the Los Angeles city schools, who delivered the address of the evening. In the course of his remarks, he said that the Normal school is preeminently a democratic institution; that its tendency is toward the education and culture of the masses; that one of the most marked tendencies of the age is the growth of broad, humanitarian, universal education; that the constant and steady influx of illiterate foreigners into this country has brought forward one of the most serious questions which our people have had to deal with.
"It lies," he said, ''with the teacher to destroy the bonds of illiteracy. Not only must patriotism be taught these children, but they must be instructed in the political workings of our government and must be prepared to exercise wisely and faithfully their right of citizenship." He added that individual education and manual training was of the greatest benefit; that the practical tendency in educational affairs is daily growing; that America will soon take her place among the leading powers of the world; that her citizenship must be prepared for this event; that soul, mind and body must be developed together. He closed by saying that America needs men and that the grammar schools, the high schools, the normals and the universities must furnish these men.
After another chorus by the school President Black delivered a short address to the graduating class and distributed the diplomas to the twenty-six graduates, making in each case an individual address of commendation and advice.