New! Guide to Researching and Historically Designating Your Property

This downloadable digital guide includes a one-hour recorded webinar and 63-page slide deck presented by Senior Archaeologist/Historian Doug Mengers with PanGIS. Inc. Mr. Mengers walks through the process of researching the history of your property, preparing a report to nominate it locally for historic designation, and completing a Mills Act application to reduce property taxes on designated properties. The following topics are covered:

  • Benefits, responsibilities, and up-front costs of historic designation

  • Levels of historic designation

  • Eligibility criteria for local designation with example properties

  • How to identify historic context

  • How to evaluate historic integrity

  • Anatomy of a Historical Resource Research Report

  • Links to over 30 sources of historic information including databases, maps, photos, city directories, forms, and more

  • Local nomination process including application fees

  • How to find a consultant and estimated fees


History Uncovered on Park Boulevard in University Heights


Repairing and Restoring Wood Windows