Protecting Our Historic Resources
Established in 1888, University Heights is one of San Diego’s oldest neighborhoods and is fortunate to have many homes and landmarks dating to its early development. Most of the remaining landmarks and some of the historic homes in University Heights are protected from demolition or inappropriate alteration by historic designation.
The Mills Act and Historic Designation
Owners of older homes in University Heights may wonder if their property qualifies for a property tax reduction through the Mills Act. In order to qualify for the Mills Act, your property must be a designated historical resource listed on the City of San Diego Register.
Torrey Apartments in University Heights Historically Designated
At its June meeting, the City of San Diego Historical Resources Board historically designated the Torrey Apartments at 4260 Campus Avenue.
Historic Architectural Assessment of Your Older Home or Property
Wondering if your older home qualifies for up to 50% property tax reduction through the Mills Act? Properties must be historically designated properties in order to qualify for the Mills Act. The University Heights Historical Society can help owners of older properties decide if their home may be potentially eligible for historic designation.
Historic Homes of University Heights: Jennie Alberta Wales House
This beautiful Queen Anne Free Classic style home at 1086 Hayes Avenue in University Heights built in 1908 was historically designated by the City of San Diego Historic Resources Board on May 26, 2022.
New! Guide to Researching and Historically Designating Your Property
This downloadable digital guide includes a one-hour recorded webinar and 56-page slide deck presented by Senior Archaeologist/Historian Doug Mengers with PanGIS. Inc. Mr. Mengers walks through the process of researching the history of your property, preparing a report to nominate it locally for historic designation, and completing a Mills Act application to reduce property taxes on designated properties.
Free Webinars on Researching and Designating Your Historic Home
The University Heights Historical Society will host two free webinars in March about how to research and submit a nomination to historically designate your home, presented by historic preservation experts Amie Hayes with SOHO, and Doug Mengers with PanGIS.
Be a Preservation Steward
As urban infill increases in University Heights, many of our older, potentially historic properties may be at risk for demolition. As a resident of University Heights, there is much you can easily do to help protect our historic heritage.
New! Guide to Researching Your Home
Founded in 1888, University Heights is one of San Diego’s oldest neighborhoods. And chances are, you live in an older home with a story to tell. Perhaps you have wondered who built the house or who has lived there before you. You might even be interested in having your home historically-designated. But where do you start?