Update #2 on Historic Gate and Railing Replaced Without Permit

The University Heights Historical Society heard from Tyler Renner in Councilmember Chris Ward’s office that “We have received confirmation from Development Services that the property owner will be required to either restore the historic gate and fence if the original materials are still available or reconstruct these elements based off of photo documentation they have.  All work will be reviewed by staff for consistency with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards.” Development Services staff has also indicated that “We should be able to enforce the repair of the wall because it is deferred maintenance to a historically designated site.”

The owner has 10 days to appeal the decision so we will be following this and keeping the community updated.

Thank you to the City of San Diego for doing the right thing, Save Our Heritage Organisation, William Van Dusen, and to everyone in the community who contacted the City to express concern about this important historic treasure. I encourage everyone to contact Tyler Renner and convey your thanks to the City for doing the right thing.


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Update #1 on Historic Gate and Railing Replaced Without Permit